Monday, September 15, 2008

Well, we are just trying to stay positive. Money stinks. That's what I worry about most is MONEY! I went to church with my zoo friends last Wed. and the message was to dig a well. The pastor talked about visiting Israel and he saw big wells that had been dug and big sisterns (I am sure I didn't spell that right) that were being built. He thought it was kinda funny considering that in one stop they made the tour guide said had been a guide there for 18 years and had never seen it rain. The pastor said it spoke of their faith that in a drout they were building these wells with the anticipation of the rain and were trying to prepare to capture it. I hope this is making sense, but I decided I needed to dig my own well. Figuretvely of corse.


Natalie said...

Is this a financial well or a spiritual well...or both?

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Don't be down,you made the right choice for your family.And God will bless you in his timing.Im sorry you are struggling though.We have been their so many times,and its our most fought over topic as well.