Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So...Crazy DAY!!

So Bella had her first day of school!!!! OH MY GOSH!! I was a wreck! This was a big deal for us. It in the end went well, but we had a rocky start. I had concerns and I was kinda treated like a panicky Mom. Joe met with the Principal and teacher and they gave him very clear answers that they did not give me even though I asked the same questions. Joe sorted it out and everything is fine. Bella was excoted to be there and was excited to go to school today. Great start! I still don't understand why they have to do so much with food. Just because you read a book that mentions food does not mean you have to eat that food. Really?! I hear on the news about kids and obesity...maybe if they could read Green Eggs and Ham and not have to eat greeen eggs and ham in school. Just a thought.
Joe had to go sort out the school stuff because my first day of work was yesterday. I was so frustrated that the one thing I had worried about, I had to deal with it the first day. The principal asked me to come in for the meeting at 1 yesterday and it just killed me to have to tell her I couldn't come in. I didn't want to have a job like this because I wanted to be there anytime Bella needed me. But, it worked out and I hava an amazing husband that drove an hour each way from his job site to be there. It's so stupid becasue I am sure Joe spent more in gas that I made at work.


Lovingmyamazinglife said...

I know this is a huge deal to you,I always sat in my car the 1st few days,the WHOLE day,just in case,and cried to whole time.I sent green tofu in on the Dr.Seuss day,I agree the food thing was always an issue for us.Lane always had to speak up,because noone gets it.

KELLI MC said...


i am happy bella liked it! i can just imagine her there kindergarten is the best! and yes joe needs an award for yesterday!

sweetb said...

I am so happy that Bella had a good day. I hope you had a good day at your new job too!

Natalie said...

I hate not seeing a new post before I get to talk to you. I would have asked about your jobs had I known! You can fill me in tomorrow. Will you add the followers thing so I can see when you post cuz the google reader doesn't always work... please?

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Hang in there...each day will be a little easier. Joe is awesome! Bella will be great! It's always the parents that have a harder time coping than the kids...or that's been my experience!