Saturday, June 7, 2008

Family Pictures

My friend Stephanie had her family's picture taken and blogged about it. Their pictures were amazing. I loved them. They were on the photographer's website in slide show form, set to music. I kept looking at them over and over because it was like a music video and so sweet. (I'm a dork, I know) I thought she must be outrageous in price because of how good she was. But, to my surprise she is really reasonable. I think more than reasonable. So, we had her take our pictures and I am in love with them. When we first saw them, I cried Bella squealed and Joe was amazed. He said we should do this every year. One of the first ones of just Joe and I reminded me so much of when I first met Joe. I hadn't seen that look for a long time. Bella's eyes in those pictures amaze me. I could just keep gushing over my little family. If you are thinking about getting your pictures taken think about using Audrey. She is so awesome and fun. The whole shoot was a really fun experience. Now, I get to watch our little "music video" on her website.
If you want to see for yourself go to and click on proof. Our password is Fisk


Natalie said...

They're so great, Erin! She's extremely talented.

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Wow!I loved them all.Your hair looks great.Who did it?

KELLI MC said...

love it love it love it

Erin said...

did the color myself and I get it cut at Bounce in Dahlonega. Thanks so much!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Fabulous! Those are so you think she would come to Kansas?!?!?! Better yet, we could come down there. I would love to find someone like that here to take pics like that. We have not done a family picture since...Cutter was 2. I'm totally ashamed of myself. Your pics have inspired me to get it done ASAP! You guys look like you should be in a magazine...Like you, I think I could watch it over again & again. I LOVE your hair too!

KELLI MC said...

your hair pisses me off! Even my husband thinks its awesome!!!!!!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

why is it when I color my own looks like I let the boys do it?!?! You can color my hair next time your in the area! ha ha