Sunday, May 4, 2008

I can be kinda cheap sometimes. Not really cheap, but frugal? Well, I have wanted a matching comforter set for my bed probably ever since Joe and I have been married. They are expensive! Now, there are somethings that I have no problem spending money, but I always look for the best deal. For the past 3 or 4 years we have had this beautiful quilt my mother gave us for Christmas, but the pillow shams were $50 a piece and the bedskirt was ridiculous. So we ended up with pillow shams and a bedskirt that I found on clearence when I worked at Kohls and it never really match at all. Not even the same colors and the bedskirt was for a king bed and we have a queen. So , I safty pinned it to fit. Long story short (too late), I went to Ikea with my sister and I sprang for a Duvet cover with matching pillow shams and I bought a bedskirt to match. I debated with myself if I should just go hog wild and get sheets too, but I decided I could not stand the guilt I would put on myself for a duvet cover AND sheets. So, I didn't get them. Joe has been gone back to Fla. for work. So, to be nice I cleaned our bedroom and put the new cover and pillows and bedskirt on and I just loved it. When Joe came home I was so excited to show it to him (am I a complete dork or what) and do you know what he said? " This is great, but did you get new sheets. I would have loved new sheets. " AHHHHHHHHHH!!!


Natalie said...

Agh! That always happens! Love the new set, it's beautiful! I haven't been to Ikea since the last time I went with you. I love that place.

The Johnston Family said...

HA! That's funny! It's always that way isn't it?