Monday, August 25, 2008

updated playlist

Do you ever "discover" a new band or music or something and then realize everyone else has discovered how great it is WAY before you and then you start wondering "where have I been?" I have been doing this a lot lately. I will not talk about "the book" for fear of being called obsessed, but one example is "the book" ( if you have even talked to me in the last month you will know which book I am talking about. But, the next that has me wondering ,where I have been, is the band Coldplay. Of coarse, I have heard of them, but I have never really listened to them. I wouldn't say they are my favorites, but it makes me wonder what else I am missing out on because I just think I like one or two types of music. same thing goes for Jack Johnson. I have heard him on the radio for awhile, but I guess never really paid attention because it didn't fall into the categories of what I thought I liked. maybe too mainstream or something. Now Bella and I jam out in the car to Jack Johnson a lot. Is there anything else I have been missing out on? So anyway, i have updated my playlist now that I am putting my head above water. (at least for a little while)


Natalie said...

I do that too. Did I tell you my mom in law bought us all tix to see Coldplay in Oct, (I think it is)? They are one of those bands that people from all walks of life enjoy. Check out Keane too, especially their Hopes and Fears album. My favorite!

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Go to and put in your fave artist,it will load up any and all bands that sound like your fave,meanwhile introducing you to new bands for free.