Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I know sometimes I can be crazy. Like, my animals are driving me nuts. So, what do I do, I get a new dog! That make perfect sense right? This is how it happened. About a month ago, Joe and Bella were going to the animal shelter to play with the cats. I said that is a horrible idea because One of them is going to want to take one home. (this is kind of how we ended up with Tuff who is destroying everything and will not stay in a fence. Joe was just going to look at the puppies) They both said "NO WAY, we are just going to look" I went along to be the person of sound mind. That didn't work out. After we played with the cats we went to look at the dogs. There were a ton of puppies and some other dogs. Then I saw this big Dalmation in deep sleep on the concrete floor. I was suprised he was sleeping so hard when it was so noisey in the room with all the other dogs. I then read on his card he was 10 years old and completley deaf. I have ALWAYS wanted a Dalmation and after learing he was old, deaf, and his oweners were elderly and couldn't take care of him anymore because they had to move in with their kids, I was hooked. I am such a sucker! He was missing the hair on his back because he has a flea allergy. After Joe and I talked about it, we ssaid we would take him, but he had to be free of fleas before he came to our house. So, I came back to the shelter to walk him and get to know him and then he went home with one of the voulunteers until he was flea free. I picked him up a week ago. He is really amazing. He really is completley deaf. Bella and I tested this. We yelled, screamed, whistled, made as much noise as we could and nothing. He does know hand camands. Which is neat. A little like sign language for dogs. It cracked me up when Joe came home for the weekend and he had to test his hearing, too. He really is deaf. I guess because he can't hear or he is just that loveable, but he cuddles all the time and wants to be petted a lot. He is really great! Between Lammy (our 10 almost 11 year old dog) and the new dog, Ashes, we are like assisted living for dogs. Right now we are just fostering him to make sure he fits in and everything goes okay. At this moment, I think he is a keeper!


Jessi said...

You are more of a woman than I am!!! My kids ask me almost every day for a pet and I just keep telling them no, no, no. Maybe someday I'll have the heart to adopt an animal. And if (when?) I do I'll have to use you as an example.

BTW, THANK YOU for sending me the magazine. It just occurred to me that I never told you how much I loved it! So nice of you.

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

From one crazy pet person to another congrats!

Natalie said...

He's so cute!

KELLI MC said...

I love it hes soooo cute i guess i understand, thats why i dont go to those places