Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mi Vida Loca!

Sooooo several posts ago I was talking about a gorl who brought her baby into my work a lot. Well, no said baby is living with us. it kinda snowballed and just happened all of the sudden. He was living with her family and that didn't work out and Joe and I voluntered. Honestly, I didn't think it would happen because we don't really know her or the baby. But, We just felt like this is a child in need and we should step up and it least put it out there. Last Thursday we got a call from DFACS asking if they could do a homestudy. So, Joe came home from work and they came and did the homestudy and we were sent for drug tests and background check. I still didn't think it would happen or if it did it wouldn't be that fast. But, yesterday they called us at 3 to come it at 4 and by 5 he was home with us. this is temporary as his Mom is working to get him back. I hope she does because I know she loves him. I can't say this isn't stressful and at a time when I have been trying to cut the stress in my life down and this may not work out. But, I felt "called" to try. I don't say that lightly. I just felt like things were laid out to at least try to give him a safe home for at least a little while. The baby is just awesome. He is the smiliest baby. you can just look at him and he will give you a huge smile. I am not worried about him. He is great. the stress comes from the people in his life. There is a little drama that we are trying to stay out of at all cost. If we get drawn in we are not going to do it any longer. Bella is our first priority. So, if it even looks like things will be stressful for her. We will end it. So, there you have it.


Cristin said...


I hope this works out for you. I know how much you've wanted another child and how stressful it is with your medical issues, but I truly think this is such an awesome opportunity. I hope the drama goes away and y'all can enjoy Morgan and have a very happy life!

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

I emailed you so if you dont get it call me.Nutshell we can do respite for any child from any County we are an approved fosterhome.Call whenever you need us emergency or a break.Enjoy the beautiful baby!!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

WOW....that is something else and oh so fast. Good for you guys to offer love and comfort to this baby. Will be praying for all of you. Miss ya.