Monday, July 26, 2010

Done with Summer

I have a definite love hate relationship with Summer. I love that it is warm enough to go swimming. I love how happy it makes Joe to have a garden. I love all the cliche summetime fun stuff, watermelon, grilling out, the pool, the lake, sleeping in, lightening bugs..blah blah blah. But, I hate my summer clothes. Shorts are one of my enemies! The heat is killing me! We have a heat advisory!! Really!? To make things even worse my A/C went out in my van. i cried. pathetic I know but I was so sad.
this summer has just not been one of the best. money is tight. like it is for everyone. But it still sucks! I have gained a bunch of weight. So, not fun either! I am also very sad because I have a really good friend who i love dearly and i have seriously neglected her. i have been so soooooo busy and i let life get away from me. She is now moving very far and I am very sad. i understand why she has too and I am proud of her. But, I think i took her being so close for granted. I just kept thinking things would slow down and we could hang out more. I will miss her so much!!
I am just ready for a new season. Fall makes me feel refreshed and inspired. So, I am very ready for something new!! This summer just hasn't been the best and i am hopeful for Fall to be better.


Cristin said...

AMEN! Bring on FALL!

Natalie said...

awww...Erin, I love you too. I'm so glad you travel a lot and I feel like you'll come visit me. It's the only thing that makes it ok to say goodbye. xoxo!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Oh sad for a good friend to move away...but on the flip side...a fun to new place to visit!! It's been hot here too...I love all seasons so I'm ready for Fall to arrive.